O Volume 39, No. 8 de AGOSTO/2009 da revista Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy da secção do mesmo nome da American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) está disponível online para os membros do Grupo de Interesse de Fisioterapia n Desporto da nossa Associação que tenham aderido http://www.jospt.org/
Aqui fica o indíce :
Cleland, JA; Abbott, JH; Kidd, MO; Stockwell, S; Cheney, S; Gerrard, DF; Flynn, TW.
Amasay, T.; Karduna, AR.
Dicharry, JM; Franz, JR; Croce, UD; Wilder, RP; Riley, PO; Kerrigan, DC
Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity and Reliability of a Clinical Test to Measure Femoral Anteversion Souza, RB; Powers, CM
Foot Kinematics During a Bilateral Heel Rise Test in Participants With Stage II Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Houch, JR; Neville, C; Tome, J; Flemister, AS
The Effect of Averaging Multiple Trials on Measurement Error During Ultrasound Imaging of Transversus Abdominis and Lumbar Multifidus Muscles in Individuals With Low Back Pain
Koppenhaver, SL; Parent, EC; Teyhen, DS; Hebert, JJ; Fritz, JM
Patellofemoral Knee Pain in an Adult With Radiographic Osteoarthritis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Harris-Love, M; Shrader, JA.
Limited Knee Extension Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Snow, SL; O´Laugllin, SJ
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