sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2009




Os jovens que praticam ginástica (gestos em posições invertidas com o peso do corpo sobre os membros superiores), ténis/badminton e outros desportos onde o lançamento é um gesto fundamental (lançamento do dardo e do peso, andebol, voleibol) no caso de treinos muito intensos, concentrados, repetitivos e precoces, podem estar sujeitos a lesões de sobrecarga nas estruturas osteoarticulares do cotovelo que ainda se encontram em fase de crescimento.

Os gestos em esforço e/ou em carga repetitiva sobre os ossos ainda imaturos dos jovens, sobretudo na face externa do cotovelo podem enfraquecer/fragilizar o osso subcondral (osso por baixo da cartilagem articular. Esta reveste a superficie articular).

Esta situação continuada pode provocar alterações na irrigação óssea dessa região e sem vascularização o tecido ósseo entra em falência (necrose) podendo originar um fragmento ósseo nos casos mais graves e/ou diagnosticados tardiamente.

Esta é uma lesão

The bone under the joint surface weakens and becomes injured, which damages the blood vessels going to the bone. Without blood flow, the small section of bone dies. The injured bone cracks. It may actually break off. This condition is called osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). In the past, this condition was called Little Leaguer's elbow. It got its name because it was so common in baseball pitchers between the ages of 12 and 20. Now it is known that other sports, primarily gymnastics and racket sports, put similar forces on the elbow. These sports can also lead to elbow OCD in adolescent athletes. How does this problem develop? The cause of elbow OCD in adolescents is unknown. Scientists think that genetics is one possibility. This means that certain families are more likely to develop OCD. The condition often occurs among relatives, and it is sometimes seen in several generations of the same family. Another possible cause is that the tiny blood supply to the humeroradial joint is somehow blocked. Only the ends of a few small blood vessels enter the back of the humeroradial joint. If this scarce blood supply is damaged, there is no back-up. Although the exact cause of elbow OCD in adolescents is not known, most experts agree that overuse of the elbow plays a major role in its development.

Osteochondritis dessicans (OCD) of the capitellum
occurs in adolescent and young adult athletes who are
involved in repetitive upper extremity exercises.
• Throwers, gymnasts, and weight lifters are particularly
• Etiology involves microtrauma, but exact cause is

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