O Volume 39, No. 3 de Março/2009 da revista Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy da secção do mesmo nome da American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) já está disponível online para os membros do Grupo de Interesse de Fisioterapia n Desporto da nossa Associação que tenham aderido.
Aqui fica o indice com os artigos mais importantes:
Aqui fica o indice com os artigos mais importantes:
EDITORIAL - Clinical Prediction Rules in Physical Therapy: Coming of Age? Julie M. Fritz
Reliability and Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical Special Tests for Myelopathy in Patients Seen for Cervical Dysfunction
Predicting Short-Term Response to Thrust and Nonthrust Manipulation and Exercise in Patients Post Inversion Ankle Sprain Julie M. Whitman, Joshua A. Cleland, Paul E. Mintken, Michael A. Keirns, Melanie L. Bieniek, Stephanie R. Albin, Jake S. Magel, Thomas G. McPoil
Different Nerve-Gliding Exercises Induce Different Magnitudes of Median Nerve Longitudinal Excursion: An In Vivo Study Using Dynamic Ultrasound Imaging Michel W. Coppieters, Alan D. Hough, Andrew Dilley
Maximal Voluntary Isometric Neck Strength Deficits in Adults With Whiplash-Associated Disorders and Association With Pain and Fear of Movement
Effects of the AirLift PTTD Brace on Foot Kinematics in Subjects With Stage II Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Christopher Neville, A. Samuel Flemister, Jeff R. Houck
The Effect of Selective Muscle Fatigue on Sagittal Lower Limb Kinematics and Muscle Activity During Level Running Eleftherios Kellis, Christina Liassou
The Physical Therapist as a Musculoskeletal Specialist in the Emergency Department Michael T. Lebec, Carleen E. Jogodka
Differential Diagnosis of Fibular Pain in a Patient With a History of Breast Cancer
Michael Ryder, Gail D. Deyle
Michael Ryder, Gail D. Deyle
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